
Hello, I'm Josh and welcome to my AS Media blog. I have worked very hard on my blog, I have had to fight against it at times when I have had difficulty uploading images or arranging things the way I wanted them, but in the end, I got there! I hope you enjoy my work!

Evaluation Question 6

6 -What Have You Learnt About Technologies From The Process of Constructing This Product?

I learnt a lot about technologies from creating my music magazine. One piece of technology I got a lot better at using was Fireworks. Prior to my making my music magazine, I had never used Fireworks before. Fireworks provided a easy way to create my magazine front cover and contents page, and was particularly useful because it allows for quick simple editing. It was possibly the most important technology I used this year as it allowed me to create my magazine the exact way I wanted to.

I was also new to Blogger this year, and as it is where all my work is uploaded to, it was important to figure out how to use it pretty quickly! I have also started my own blog reporting on football matches as this is what I hope to do at University, and Blogger has been exceptionally useful in gaining that experience. I also learnt how to properly design my blog, so I could add my own pictures where I wanted them, choose my own background and format my blog.

Another technology I was new to this year was Microsoft Publisher. This was equally as important as Macromedia Fireworks, as I created a large portion, the double page spread, of my magazine on Publisher. Publisher allowed me to see both pages of my double page spread alongside one another so I could properly arrange my text and pictures the way I wanted them.

I was also new to SlideShare this year. I used SlideShare to upload all of the presentations I did on various magazines, in the Planning and Research stage, to my blog. SlideShare allowed me to upload presentations I had done on my computer onto the internet for sharing. I did have some difficulty using SlideShare, as it wouldnt work on my home computer, so I had to transfer all of the work I did at home onto my school computer via a USB stick!