
Hello, I'm Josh and welcome to my AS Media blog. I have worked very hard on my blog, I have had to fight against it at times when I have had difficulty uploading images or arranging things the way I wanted them, but in the end, I got there! I hope you enjoy my work!

Evaluation Question 5

5-How Did You Attract/Address Your Audience ?
On my front cover I have included other key features of the magazine, which will attract the audience because they are about bands that the reader will be interested in, for example winning Plan B tickets. This offer is also shown in the contents page, so they will be sure to look at it. As I have used Plan B as one of the main features of the magazine, most people who read the magazine will read his article, and therefore may be more willing to enter a competition to win tickets to his gigs.
On the double page spread, I have addressed the audience directly by reminding them to purchase 'Indigo's' new album on iTunes when it is released. I have also done this in the interview where Indigo says 'People dont forget to buy my new album when it is released on June 1st!'. Here the artist is directly interacting with the readers, which will make them more likely to want to buy her album.

The colour scheme of yellow and black will attract the audience because they are both strong bold colours which will be hard to miss. I have also abided by the 'three colour rule', using white as my third colour when needed, which helps keep the magazine simple, yet eye-catching.

In the contents page (right), my audience will be attracted by the 'news' 'reviews' and ‘features’ sections, as this will be familiar to regular readers, and new readers will have been drawn in from the features advertised on the front page. This also keeps in comparision to the NME contents page which I based mine upon.

The contents is also easy to follow as the text is well organised into text boxes, and its is all aligned. It will be simple for the readers to skim through it and find the articles they may wish to read.

The front cover will also attract the audience because the main thing you see besides the masthead is the photo of Georgie, (shown below). She will attract my target audience because she is dressed like a rock musician, and due to her age it will attract my target audience as they are of a similar age.