
Hello, I'm Josh and welcome to my AS Media blog. I have worked very hard on my blog, I have had to fight against it at times when I have had difficulty uploading images or arranging things the way I wanted them, but in the end, I got there! I hope you enjoy my work!

Evaluation Question 7

7 - Looking Back At Your Preliminary Task (The School Magazine Task), What Do You Feel You Have Learnt In The Progression From It To Full Product?

One of the main things I learnt from my school magazine was the amount of time to put into my music magazine. I spent so much time on the music magazine tweaking the smallest parts of it, which I didn’t do in my school magazine. I also learnt how to balance my time effectively when I did my music magazine. When completing the Preliminary task, I was rushed to get it in on time as I didn't properly manage my time. However, I learned from my mistake and successfully completed my final task long before the deadline.

I also learnt how to use Fireworks much better, how to get a more full use of the things you can do with it. For example, in the contents page of my music magazine I have created boxes all over the page to help group all of the different sections together, which I was not able to do when doing my school magazine.

I also learnt from taking the photographs of my school magazine about different angles, lightings and backgrounds, which ultimately helped make my music magazine photographs better. As you can see from the photos I took under the 'Photo Shoot' label, I have used several different locations, clothing, lighting and angles when I took the photos for my music magazine. I also took alot more photos than I did when shooting the ones for my school magazine.

Here are my two front covers, and below are my two contents pages.