
Hello, I'm Josh and welcome to my AS Media blog. I have worked very hard on my blog, I have had to fight against it at times when I have had difficulty uploading images or arranging things the way I wanted them, but in the end, I got there! I hope you enjoy my work!

Audience Feedback

I showed my completed magazine to the people who had helped contribute to its production, classmates and friends alike. Here are what some of them said about my work:

'Excellent front page and double page spread, contents page good but slightly disorganised.'
'Double page spread is fantastic, content is good and layout grabs your attention due to colour scheme and picture/text ratio.'

'Your evaluation is really good, I had never even heard of Prezi before!'

'I really like the idea of your sketches and annotating them with a more detailed description on the back, makes it seem like you knew what you wanted and how you wanted it done.'

'School magazine is very good'

'Lots of Planning labels on the side of your blog, seems you really researched how to make the best magazine possible!'

Despite alot of postive comments about my magazine, it was far from perfect and some people gave me advice on how to improve it:

'Contents page is quite disorganised, could do with a little bit more structure'

'Front cover looks quite plain with the solo background colour and picture, needs filling up a little'

'School magazine probably better than music magazine'

'Prezi evaluation doesnt go into depth on some questions, could do with another paragraph or two'

In my own personal view, I am rather pleased with how my music magazine went. I have struggled this year, learning to use new software such as Fireworks and Prezi and in trying to use Blogger to its maximum potential. However, I really enjoyed all of the tasks and feel I did enough research and planning to help me create a quality music magazine. My favourite pieces of work are my flat plan drawings and my evaluation, as alot of time was spent on them. Also, I am not the most creative person, but my hard work on those assignments seems to have paid off. There could be improvements to my work, and I think that both my front cover and contents page could do with a little extra work doing to them. My front cover could be filled out and my contents page more organised. I also think I could have done more research into my target audience and finding out exactly what it is I needed to produce to satisfy them.

I hope you have enjoyed my work as much as I enjoyed producing it.