
Hello, I'm Josh and welcome to my AS Media blog. I have worked very hard on my blog, I have had to fight against it at times when I have had difficulty uploading images or arranging things the way I wanted them, but in the end, I got there! I hope you enjoy my work!

Music Magazine Readership Profile.

The average reader of Lost in Stereo is a 16-25 year old male. His average preference in music is Rock music, and he attends between 3-5 gigs a year. He will averagely spend his free time listening to Rock music, watching/playing sport or spending time with his friends. Averagely, he will listen to 3-5 hours of music a week and spend just under £8 a month on music related products such as magazines. He earns roughly between £30-50 a week in his part time job. When he shops, he tends to use Topman, River Island or Next. His favourite artists include Green Day, Blink 182 and Muse.