1) In terms of content, would you like the magazine to be entirely school based? Please circle the appropriate answer below:
Please circle either 'Yes' or 'No'
2) If you answered 'No' to question one, please state what you would like the content of the magazine to be about below:
3) Would you like the school magazine to be free for students, or would you be happy to pay a small price for it? Please circle the appropriate answer below:
I believe it should be free for students. I would be happy to pay a small price
4) If you said you would be happy to pay a small price in question three, please state how much you would be willing to pay for a school magazine below:
5) Lastly, if you are in favour of a school magazine, can you please state below if you would be interested in helping with the production of the magazine. This includes journalists to write articles, photographers and designers of the magazine:
Yes, I would be interested in helping. No, I am not interested in helping.